2021 AGM Agenda

Wakehurst Social Tennis Club

Notice of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2021 Please be advised that the AGM of the WTC will be held on Sunday 28 February 2021 at the Wakehurst Golf Club at 12 noon. AGENDA 1.Presidents’ Welcome – Wendy Sullivan 2. Attendance 3. Apologies 4. Approval of minutes of the 2020 AGM – Minutes attached and available on website. 5. Presidents Report – Wendy Sullivan 6. Treasurers Report – Ning Stewart President steps down as meeting chair to Melinda Gray 7. Election of Office Bearers: Call for Nominations to Stephanie Phillips please (drsteph1@icloud.com)


Vice President:


Assistant Treasurer:




Social Secretary:

Communications Officer:

Tournament Directors

Other business

Future of the Club, Issues with Wakehurst Tennis Courts, Fees, Serving/ End change policy
(proposal of alternate ends or northern end only and change after 4 games), Deuce
procedure (short deuce at all times – speed up rotation).